Sunday, June 29, 2008

Early Meeting & Food

We'll meet at 6 PM this week and kick things off with with pizza and wings. Afterwords, we'll spend some time talking about youth group. We want to look at who we are, what we do and what we could do better. We also want to talk about Bible studies you'd like to do or topics you want to look at in the future. Most of all, we really want to hear from you.

We'll look to end by 8:30 PM so you can get to Ithaca for the community fireworks. If you need a place to watch them and don't need to feel the sonic booms, join us at Trinity Lutheran near Cornell. Great views.

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Friday, June 27, 2008

Foundations web site is up

I've been working on a new Foundations web site lay out for about a year. It is finally here, and I'm pretty happy with it. I'll add more information soon, but all the most important stuff is up now, including the 2008 registration form.

Go to and check it out.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Book of Ruth

We started studying the book of Ruth. It is probably the greatest love story in the Bible and has a lot to say about how godly men and women live their lives. There are underlying themes of God's providential care, grace and caring for others. Of course, the main character of the book is Jesus. Yes, Jesus.

We're going to study the second half of chapter 2 this week. Hope you can make it.

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Ministry News

Some of you are already aware of this, so you can stop reading. No, really, stop reading. Hey, I still see you reading. Well, if you're not going to listen to me then, fine, just keep reading.

For the last several months I've been working through a process to be confirmed and licensed as a pastor. I won't be going on staff and I won't not be an elder. It is really a recognition and affirmation of the minstry Beth and I have been doing for the last 11 years. We've always been in this together, and we're both excited about this new step and the affirmation of the work we have been called to.

I will be officially confirmed as a pastor this Sunday during our regular morning service. As it would happen, Ted Sandquist will be visiting and preaching this Sunday. Beth and I have walked with Ted for many years and I count him as one of my fathers in the faith, so we are really glad he will be part of this event.

One of the greatest benefits of this whole pastor thing is the ability to perform weddings. In July, I will be officiating Ariana Duncan's marriage to Brian D'Angelo. Beth and I love the Duncan family and have a close relationship with the Duncan girls. It is an honor and a joy to be part of their lives and to be able to marry Brian and Ariana.

I won't be making "Pastor" my first name or using the title of "Reverend" except for special occasions. Both of those are titles of recognition, and I'm not big on seeing them used so frequently that they become someone's identity. Just wanted to let you know so you don't accidentally call me "Your Holiness" in polite company. I'll probably correct you as quickly as I do the ninth graders who still try to call me Mr. Peck. I'm just David and always will be.

There will be a little reception (with cake!) following the service. It's not going to be a big to do, really, but it'll be a nice time. Beth, who is teaching at the Trinity Lutheran VBS this week, won't be able to stay long after church though. Afterwards, we'll be on the graduation party circuit that is our regular May-July routine.

Beth and I appreciate you all and we're glad you are part of our lives. We honestly would not have kept at this ministry quite so long except for you all. Thank you, and we love you.

Grace and peace,

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